Breaking News

Building a Strong Future for Field Hockey… April 3, 2015

By Jess Thomas
The Nashoba Regional High School field hockey team made it to the state championship game this past fall, finishing a memorable and inspiring season with a 20-2-1 record. Stow’s Jen Brown, founder of the youth Strikers Field Hockey program, has been a crucial part of the development of these field hockey stars.

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Nashoba Budget Passes Committee… April 3, 2015

By Ann Needle
After weeks of often fiery debate, and a failed vote earlier in March, the Nashoba School Committee passed a proposed budget on Wednesday. Approval of the $52.6 million budget came in the third round of voting in front of a packed audience.

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Warrant Articles Voted In… April 3, 2015

By Nan Shnitzler
The Board of Selectmen, on March 19 and 26, voted most of the articles on the annual Town Meeting warrant, approving everything they’ve considered so far. Some 30 articles are on the warrant, including two possible citizens petitions.

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Running to Raise Money for Research… March 27, 2015

By Jess Thomas
For Bolton resident, Chris Maher, running 26.2 miles seems easy in comparison to battling cancer.

Maher is running his fifth Boston Marathon on April 20, but the event has a different and special meaning this time.

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Bringing Folk Music Home to Bolton… March 27, 2015

By Barbara Allen
While the concept of the House Concert may be one that, for some, is trendy and new, Bolton residents and singer-songwriters Dan and Faith Senie point out that it is actually a very old idea, dating back to the Middle Ages, when traveling troubadours would take their instruments and their voices “on the road.” Traveling from home to home, these early performers quite literally “sang for their supper.”

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Nashoba Seeks a Head Count… March 27, 2015

By Ann Needle

Now that Nashoba’s Space Task Force has a list of questions it needs answered, it focused work at last Thursday’s meeting on how many students any solution to Nashoba Regional High School’s space woes should serve.​

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Governor’s First Opioid Crisis Listening Session…March 20, 2015

Members of the Public Gathered To Share Ideas and Perspectives regarding current Opioid Crisis
Submitted by the Office of Worcester County Sheriff Lew Evangelidis

As the number of drug overdose deaths in the Commonwealth continues to rise, members of the Opioid Crisis Working Group created by Governor Charlie Baker gathered this past Tuesday, March 10th at Quinsigamond Community College in Worcester for the first of four public listening sessions. Hosted by Worcester County Sheriff Lewis G. Evangelidis, over 400 people attended the event which was designed to gather feedback and ideas on the best ways to halt the current epidemic.

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First time State title for Nashoba Hockey…March 20, 2015

By Jess Thomas
The Nashoba Regional High School boys hockey team won the Division 3A state championship on Thursday, March 12 for its first state title in school history.

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Still No budget for Nashoba…March 20, 2015

by Ann Needle

With increasing pressure from its towns to trim dollars —and not enough agreement on how to do it — the Nashoba School Committee put off a vote on its 2015/16 budget until its next meeting.

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Tri-Town Voices Budget Concerns… March 13, 2015

by Ann Needle
At last Wednesday’s Tri-Town meeting in Bolton, Nashoba Regional officials fielded enough opposition to its proposed budget that the planned vote on it may be postponed.

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