Breaking News

Nashoba Personnel Changes Possible…March 4, 2016

By Ann Needle
As the Nashoba School Committee closes in on proposing a final 2016/17 budget, the school administration has suggested personnel changes that could have a substantial impact on the district, especially the central office. But these potential plans left a number of questions to be answered before the budget is approved.

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Nashoba Works on Assessments…Feb. 24, 2016

By Ann Needle Next year’s hike in the Nashoba District budget might not be substantial, but the School Committee still questioned whether the towns would find the potential assessments affordable. The SC also focused its Feb. 17  Budget Workshop on learning more about particular items proposed by three of the district’s bigger departments. Assistant Superintendent…

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Articles Passed at Brief Special Town Meeting

– Feb. 22, 2016

By Ann Needle Both articles presented at the Feb. 22 Special Town Meeting passed unanimously — all in about 10 minutes. Assistant Moderator and Town Clerk Pamela Powell reported there were 96 voters at the Nashoba Regional High School meeting, with no one offering any comments before the vote. Article 1 allowed the town to…

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Bolton’s Iron Chef Champ

– Feb. 19, 2016

By John Agoglia Many professions recognize the best of the best through awards, ribbons, and commendations. It is not often, however, that the top accountants, salespeople or even journalists face off live in front of a crowd of more than 1,000 people to show their skills. However, earlier this month, Chef William Nemeroff of The…

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Healthcare Reaches into the Community

– Feb. 19, 2016

By Ann Needle Soaring health costs are not news, but how larger hospitals help control these costs, while still offering quality care, may be a surprise to some.  Rather than cutting services, health care is reaching deeper into communities and neighborhoods. It is true that rising costs often force larger health networks and companies to…

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Special Town Meeting Postponed to Feb. 22

By Cyndy Bremer Bolton voters will be asked to decide on two warrant articles presented at a Special Town Meeting now scheduled for Monday, Feb. 22, at Nashoba Regional High School at 7:00pm. The meeting was postponed from Feb. 8 due to inclement weather. Article 1 asks voters to approve the payment of an unpaid…

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Interested in Going Solar? Solarize Bolton wants to hear from you!

By John Agoglia
Even though we are in the dead of winter, one recently-formed committee has its sights set on the summer sun and is in the process of seeing how many other Bolton residents share their vision.

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What’s in Your Water?

By Lynda King
Recent mailings to Bolton homes by area water testing companies have prompted some people to wonder, should I be worried about my water? What’s in it? How can I be sure it’s safe? Where does it come from anyway?

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Girls Basketball Working Hard…Jan. 22, 2016

By Jess Thomas
The Nashoba Regional High School girls basketball team fell 56-38 at home to a solid Wachusett Regional club on Tuesday night.

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Bolton Access: Program Highlights for January 24 – January 30

Program Highlights for January 24 – January 30 Presented by the Bolton Human Services & Safety Committee, the “Heroin & Opioid Education Forum” is airing on Channel 8. This forum features an expert panel in an informational discussion of the growing opioid crisis in the state and how local residents can be educated in identifying…

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