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Lafayette visits Bolton

On Monday evening, Sept. 2, the Bolton Historical Society, in partnership with the American Friends of
Lafayette, welcomed the arrival of the ‘Marquis de Lafayette’ to the Wilder home on the 200th anniversary of Lafayette’s original visit to the Bolton home of Sampson Vryling Stoddard (S.V.S.) Wilder.

On the morning of August 15, 1824, announced by a 13-gun salute from Fort Lafayette, the packet ship Cadmus arrives in the port of New York. On board was the invited “Guest of the Nation,” General Lafayette to begin his Farewell Tour of 24 states of the United States.

Although a resident of France, Lafayette held firm with the beliefs that the American Revolutionists were fighting for. Paying his own way to the shores of what would become the United States, Lafayette was given the rank of General and fought alongside the American soldiers, notably becoming close to General George Washington. Their relationship was said to be that of father and adopted son.

After the war, Lafayette returned to his native country, where he eventually met S.V.S. Wilder, a businessman who was enamored with France, and they struck up a friendship.

In his 60s, as one of the last surviving Revolutionary War generals, Lafayette returned to the states for his “Farewell Tour” with one of the stops being at the Bolton home of Wilder.

Recreating that visit, Bolton Historical Society President Tim Fiehler welcomed the crowd gathered in front of the Wilder Mansion and told the story of Lafayette’s service to the country and his subsequent return visit. He introduced “Lafayette” (Re-enactor Michael Halbert) who spoke of his love of the country.

Also on hand was William P. Dunham, Jr., Past President of the Mass. Lafayette Society and sixth great grandson of S.V.S. Wilder, to give his remarks on the occasion.

For more information:

Massachusetts Lafayette Society (

The American Friends of Lafayette – Home (

Photos by Cyndy Saari