Breaking News


Fly has No Fear…April 3, 2015

By Nan Shnitzler
Wilder Road resident Richard Fly, 62, is up for reelection as Town Moderator without ever having run a Town Meeting because Town Election comes a week after Town Meeting every year. Fly did preside over his first Town Caucus March 9.

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Obituary: Robert Publicover, age 23… April 13, 2015

(Services will be held prior to this week’s print  publication) Robert Patrick Publicover, 23 Robert Patrick Publicover, age 23, of Bolton, passed away on Friday, April 10, 2015. Born in Concord on March 5, 1992, he was the beloved and cherished son of Grace (Curro) Publicover of Bolton and David Publicover of Westborough. Rob was…

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Tri-Town Talks Budget, Minuteman… April 10, 2015

By Ann Needle
Last Wednesday’s Tri-Town meeting had officials from the Nashoba School District’s three towns debating whether to re-consider membership at Minuteman High School. The towns also discussed what sort of budget hikes the Nashoba schools could afford in the future.

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Warrant Articles Voted In… April 3, 2015

By Nan Shnitzler
The Board of Selectmen, on March 19 and 26, voted most of the articles on the annual Town Meeting warrant, approving everything they’ve considered so far. Some 30 articles are on the warrant, including two possible citizens petitions.

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Nashoba Seeks a Head Count… March 27, 2015

By Ann Needle

Now that Nashoba’s Space Task Force has a list of questions it needs answered, it focused work at last Thursday’s meeting on how many students any solution to Nashoba Regional High School’s space woes should serve.​

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Still No budget for Nashoba…March 20, 2015

by Ann Needle

With increasing pressure from its towns to trim dollars —and not enough agreement on how to do it — the Nashoba School Committee put off a vote on its 2015/16 budget until its next meeting.

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Tri-Town Voices Budget Concerns… March 13, 2015

by Ann Needle
At last Wednesday’s Tri-Town meeting in Bolton, Nashoba Regional officials fielded enough opposition to its proposed budget that the planned vote on it may be postponed.

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Nashoba District Defends +5% Hike…March 6, 2015

by Ann Needle
With the Nashoba School District facing its biggest budget hike in 8 years, administration spent much of last Wednesday’s School Committee meeting defending the proposal.

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Boosting Food Allergy Awareness…February 27, 2015

By Kristin DeJohn
Each year, between 120 and 200 Massachusetts students face a life threatening event at school. They experience anaphylaxis – a serious allergic reaction with a rapid onset, which can result in death. The most common trigger is a food allergen, and the danger is so real for families who have children with life threatening food allergies (LTFA), that the Nashoba Regional School District is making changes.

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Nashoba Budget Priorities Explained… February 20, 2015

by Ann Needle
The annual Budget Workshop at last Wednesday’s Nashoba School Committee meeting offered more details into the district’s 2015/16 spending plan. It also fielded questions about the direction Nashoba is taking

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