Breaking News


Tri-Town Questions School Choice… June 17, 2016

By Ann Needle
Though it is no longer offered by the Nashoba Regional District, school choice became a key topic of conversation at the June 8 Tri-Town meeting in Stow. Officials from Nashoba’s three towns also heard an update on the re-accreditation process at Nashoba Regional High School, along with an update on Minuteman High School’s search for district approval of its proposed building project.

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More Personnel Changes for Nashoba…June 1, 2016

By Ann Needle
The Nashoba School Committee focused on personnel changes at its May 31 meeting, approving both a contract for the incoming superintendent and changes to the job descriptions of some key district personnel. And, Nashoba’s towns can look forward to receiving an outlook on Nashoba’s upcoming budget earlier than in past years.

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Technology Tops Nashoba List…May 27, 2016

By Ann Needle
The Nashoba District is aiming to make the technology needed for learning a top priority, after the release of a report by a state-wide professional organization of school administrators. The Nashoba School Committee used most of its May 18 meeting to begin analyzing the results of a study by the MA Association of School Business Officials of the district’s operations, and to begin prioritizing which areas are most crucial to address in the coming school year.

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Nashoba Approves New Grad Rules…May 20, 2016

By Ann Needle
The relatively brief May 11 Nashoba School Committee meeting was devoted primarily to approving more than 15 updated district polices, with several not having been been reviewed in over a decade. The SC also heard that the district’s finances are healthy, anticipating the release of a first-time analysis of Nashoba’s business practices.

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School Comm Looks at Non-Union Staff…May 6, 2016

By Ann Needle
The Nashoba School Committee’s Personnel Sub Committee had sharp words at its April 26 meeting for the district’s Human Resources Dept., calling its work with non-union contracts “sloppy.” The tone was more positive elsewhere, with discussions on lifting some of the restrictions on student free time at the high school, and deadlines for selecting a new superintendent.

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Nashoba Cup Works Its Magic …April 8, 2016

By Ann Needle
Last spring, Nashoba Regional High School Principal Dr. Parry Graham was quite excited — breathless, almost — over the idea of having each of Nashoba’s four grades compete with one another to earn points for good attitude, school spirit, and academic achievement. At the end of the year, the winning class would take home what was to be the Nashoba Cup.

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High School Building Plans On Hold… March 25 2016

By Ann Needle
The Nashoba School Committee agreed at its March 16 meeting to put any plans to expand Nashoba Regional High School on hold for now. They also took another look at the proposed 2016/17 calendar, but came away with questions.

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Comments Come in on Conservation Regs…March 19, 2016

By Ann Needle
The Stow Conservation Commission heard comments March 8 on its proposed revisions to its land regulations, and began wrapping up a situation surrounding the tenant of a particular parcel of leased farming land.

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Nashoba Reorganization Questioned…March 11, 2016

By Ann Needle
An overflow crowd jammed the Nashoba District superintendent’s office March 3, as the School Committee tried to address a proposed reorganization of the district’s central office. The proposed reorganization is still not part of the proposed 2016/17 budget, which was outlined before the SC’s planned vote on the package March 10.

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Nashoba Personnel Changes Possible…March 4, 2016

By Ann Needle
As the Nashoba School Committee closes in on proposing a final 2016/17 budget, the school administration has suggested personnel changes that could have a substantial impact on the district, especially the central office. But these potential plans left a number of questions to be answered before the budget is approved.

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